Machine FAQ & TIPS

How much sugar cane do I need?

-  A rule of thumb is that 1kg of sugar cane will produce around 500-600ml of Juice.

How often should I juice?

- It depends on how much you consume but we recommend juicing amounts to last around a week.  You can then transfer the juice to smaller bottles and then refrigerate or freeze.  This is to minimize the frequency of cleaning after every use.

My cane is too thick and won't fit in the juicer?

- Cane comes in all shapes and sizes depending on the variety, growing conditions and origin.  If it's too thick then cut the cane vertically (producing two semi-circled stalks) in order to feed into the machine.

Is your sugar cane organic?

- Our cane isn't certified organic but we can assure you that we receive the finest quality sugar cane producing the sweetest tasting juice for you to enjoy.

How often should I clean my machine?

- We recommend cleaning the rollers every use.  To avoid wasting time, we recommend juicing amounts to last 1-2 weeks into smaller bottles and then freeze/refrigerate as needed.

Sugar Cane FAQ & TIPS

- Once you receive sugar cane or any other fresh fruit, refrigerate or freeze it immediately to prolong its freshness.

- Wrap ends of sugar cane in plastic packaging and refrigerate or freeze immediately upon arrival to preserve its life.  The wrapping prevents it drying out which in turn minimizes water loss. IMAGE HERE.

- Cut the ends of the cane 2-4cm from the ends immediately before juicing.  This is because cane tips gather dirt and dust via contact through its transportation and supply chain journey.  Once this is cut you should have a milky coloured bright cane flesh showing. Discard the dirty cane ends, if juiced it may promote a sour tasting juice which we don't want.  Super sweet and refreshing cane only.  IMAGE HERE.

- Although not needed, you can rinse the outside of the sugar cane with cold water.  Baking soda and lemon can be used to clean the outer cane also.