Machine Maintenance


Cleaning couldn’t be any easier and takes around two minutes literally.


  1. Unscrew and remove the top lid lid of the machine.
  2. Using a wet soapy sponge, scrub the exposed part of the rollers and then rinse with water.
  3. MAKE SURE HANDS ARE COMPLETELY DRY FOR STEP 4 in order to eliminate the possibility of any type of electrical accident.
  4. Plug in the machine and switch on the motor for a millisecond in order to spin and expose the other side of the roller that needs cleaning.
  5. Once the other side of the roller has been exposed, switch off the machine and remove the plug from the socket.
  6. Repeat step 2.
  7. Bravo, you’ve cleaned your machine and it only took you a couple of minutes.



Lubricating the machine also couldn’t be any easier and will take you only a few minutes.


  1. Unscrew and remove the top lid of the machine.
  2. Using a brush, apply thick multi purpose lubricating grease to the entire chain and sprockets in order for smooth and reduced operational wear of the machine.



Please view our video demonstration on how to operate the machine, feeding the cane into it and extracting the juice.

*Importantly when juicing other fruits than sugar cane which may be too big or small for the rollers, we advise placing these fruits within the dried cane pulp and then feeding it into the machine as shown within the video.